715 Magnet Pendant Paw
715 Magnet Pendant Paw 715 Magnet Pendant Paw 715 Magnet Pendant Paw


715 Magnet Pendant Paw

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Product.Nr.: 715

EAN: 4250599109493

Mod.: Energy and Life

EUR 29,00
incl. 19 % VAT

  • *** Sofort versandfertig ***

Material: stainless steel

Surface: mat / brushed

Stones: Zirconia

Number of Magnets: 1

Magnetic strength: each about 1200 Gauss / Tesla 0.12

Measured after installation in the finished product.
There are built much stronger magnets in the article.

Of magnet: neodymium

Polarity: North

Width: 20mm

Length: 22mm

Loop diameter: 4mm